Wild birds are simply one of the most beautiful parts of nature; it is a pleasure to draw, paint, and sculpt these amazing animals. Drawing or painting birds requires close observation and insists that the artist know well the features of each bird. It is an amazing way to learn to identify individual species. It is also a great way to observe and record their behavior. And, as for most of us, it is just a pleasure to work from the artistic side of the brain.
We challenge any amateur artist (of any age) to submit their work via e-mail – to be posted on this page of our web site. Teachers can select a few samples of student work. We look forward to seeing your art!
Please send images to: 531 S. Coleman Rd., Shepherd, Michigan 48883
Or upload to:

Great Horned Owl in watercolor by Sarah Zagacki

Eastern Screech Owl in pen and ink by Joanna Rogers

Immature Bald Eagle in watercolor by Suzi Youatt