A family of mallards finds cover in the thick vegetation along the wetland edges.
Hooded Mergansers, as well as Wood Ducks and many other cavity nesting ducks find homes in the Little Swamp Sanctuary.
Bald Eagles have nested on Little Swamp Sanctuary for over twenty years.
A young Red-shouldered Hawk is in the perfect habitat to catch its prey, including frogs, snakes, and mice.
Tundra Swans use the swamp as a stopover during migration. You can hear their musical voices from over a mile away as they approach the swamp.
Blandings Turtles are now very rare. They once were the most common turtle found on this swamp; the adults are still found occasionally.
A sanctuary of woodland wetlands is maintained and enhanced by over 50 years of land management, plantings of native trees, shrubs, and perennials, and installing nest boxes, brush piles, and other wildlife friendly structures.
Rare and endangered species find sanctuary here: we often see Blanding’s turtles, red-shouldered hawks, and occasionally get a glimpse of a least bittern.